Carmine Maringola

He graduated with honours in architecture from the University of Naples Federico II in 1999. He works both as a set designer and as an actor, experiencing theatre in its entirety. In 2005 he met Emma Dante, moved to Palermo and collaborated with the Sud Costa Occidentale company as an actor, set designer and photographer. He has already worked for renowned opera houses, including the Teatro alla Scala di Milano, Teatro San Carlo in Naples, Teatro Massimo in Palermo, Teatro Regio in Turin, Teatro dell'Opera in Rome and the Opéra Comique in Paris. He has designed sets for operas directed by Emma Dante, including Macbeth, Les vêpres siciliennes, La Cenerentola, Cavalleria rusticana, La Bohème and Rusalka. In 2018, he was responsible for the stage of the tragedy Heracles at the Greek Theatre in Syracuse. As an actor, he participates in Emma Dante's shows, including Cani di bancata, Le pulle, Acquasanta, Verso Medea, Operetta burlesca, La Scortecata, Pupo di zucchero, Bestie di scena and on tour with the performances Re Chicchinella and La Scortecata.