Miriam Damm

She graduated with a degree in lighting design from the University of Applied Arts and Sciences in Hildesheim in 2011.
From 2008 to 2012, she worked as acting lighting master and lighting designer in the summer theater of the Hexenkessel Hoftheater Berlin. She supervised the guest performances of the musical theater production Don Giovanni keine Pause by David Marton in the Sophiensäle in Berlin, at Kampnagel in Hamburg, in Zurich, Paris, Lion and Barcelona. From 2012 to 2013, she toured the world as Lighting Director of the Leo Show (including New York, Tehran, New Zealand, Zimbabwe, America Tour, Canada Tour, London, USA, Hong Kong, Brazil, Russia). In 2013, her path led her to the Anhaltisches Theater Dessau. She was head of the lighting department there until 2017.
She has been working as a freelance lighting designer and lighting master since 2018.