Paolo Carignani

Paolo Cari­gnani gra­dua­tes from the Giu­seppe Verdi Con­ser­va­tory in Milan, in com­po­si­tion, organ and piano.
He later stu­died con­duc­ting with Alceo Gal­liera.
He con­ducts in many Ita­lian opera hou­ses and in pre­sti­gious inter­na­tio­nal venues such as the Staa­tso­per Wien, Ber­lin Staa­tso­per and Deu­tsche Oper Ber­lin, the Baye­ri­sche Staa­tso­per, the San Fran­ci­sco War Memo­rial, the Met in New York, the Gran Tea­tre de Liceu in Bar­ce­lona, the Con­cert­ge­bouw Thea­ter Opera in Amster­dam, Royal Opera House in Lon­don, the Opera Bastille in Paris, in Oslo, Brus­sels, Ant­werp, Glyn­de­bourne, Spo­leto, the Schle­swig Hol­stein Festi­val, the Rhein­gau Festi­val and at the Ros­sini Opera Festi­val in Pesaro.
His sym­pho­nic reper­toire leads him to work with the Junge Deu­tsche Phi­lhar­mo­nie and the Young Nederland’s Sym­phony Orche­stra, the Munich Phi­lhar­mo­nic, the Detroit Sym­phony Orche­stra, the Yomiuri Nip­pon Orche­stra, the KIOTI Sin­fo­nietta, the orche­stra of the radio NDR, WDR, ORF, the ‘RAI Natio­nal Orche­stra of Turin, the Neder­lands Radio Sym­phony Orche­stra, the Detroit Sym­phony Orche­stra and Gothe­burg and many others.
From 1999 to 2008 Paolo Cari­gnani is Gene­ral­mu­si­k­di­rek­tor the Oper­n­house in Frank­furt am Main and Direc­tor of the Sta­ble Frank­fur­ter Opern — And Museum­sor­che­ster.
He con­ducts: Le Duc d’Albe in Ant­wer­pen, Le con­ve­nienze e incon­ve­nienze tea­trali in Zurich, Caval­le­ria Rusti­cana and Pagliacci, Nabucco and a syn­pho­nic con­cert at Niki­kai Opera Foun­da­tion in Tokyo, Tosca in Paris, Guil­laume Tell in Amster­dam, Otello, La Bohème and Aida in Munich, La Tra­viata in Wien.
Among his recent and future enga­ge­ments: Il Tro­va­tore, Fal­staff, Otello, La Tra­viata, Mac­beth, Nabucco, Norma in Munich, Gio­vanna d’Arco at the Salz­burg Festspiele, Nabucco, Tosca, Caval­le­ria Rusti­cana and Pagliacci, Andrea Ché­nier, La Fan­ciulla del West in Wien, Otello in Zurich, Rigo­letto in Stra­sburg, Tosca in Bar­cel­lona, Pagliacci in Bari, Les Vepres Sici­lien­nes in Cope­na­ghen, Turan­dot in Bre­genz and New York, Car­men in Toronto, Simon Boc­ca­ne­gra in Ant­wer­pen, Sta­bat Mater in Tokyo with the Yomiuri Nip­pon Sym­phony Orche­stra and Il Tro­va­tore in Munich, Turan­dot a Bre­genz, Turan­dot and La Bohème at Metro­po­li­tan of New York, Norma in Münich, Car­men in Toronto, Mac­beth in Bru­xel­les and Münich and Otello in Ham­burg.


Source Opera Musica